Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hong Kong: food poisoning and I'm outta here

Today I made my 2nd attempt at the gym and succeeded.  Afterwards I went for some lunch at a Taiwaneese noodle shop.  So I consider myself quite the Baron of spice.  Afterall, I order Desi-spicy at the curry truck and willingly engage in hot pepper eating contest.  Despite my love for spice, today was feeling like a 'medium' day.  To order the soup, you make check marks on a piece of paper, choosing your meat, veggies, and spice level.  There were 3 levels higher than the 'medium' that I chose.  Basically the soup was inedible (don't read this as incredible).  It was ridiculous.  I forced myself to eat it, trying to concentrate and hold back the profuse sweating, but I was just unable--I basiclaly played with my food for 30 minutes and then left.  Later that night I succumbed to food poisoning.  It was probably the noodles, but it could have been that I drank water directly from the water fountain in the gym, but I think the water in Hong Kong is ok, and am going to blame the Taiwanese noodles.  I was laid up for the next day and a half.  I had to switch hostels so I could get a single room and be sick by myself (and have a bathroom to myself).

Still this didn't ruin Hong Kong for me.  Just as I was starting to get better, I found my buddy John (Ireland) from Shanghai on Gchat--I told him I was in Hong Kong now and he demanded I email his ex-girlfriend who lived there and was already prepared to tour me around.

Her name was Becky and she worked in Marketing for Oregon Scientific; she was enthusiastic about my demands that her company begin making jetpacks.   She took me to dinner in a more realistic part of Hong Kong where tables where set up in the streets.  It was quite somber and quaint--most people were eating hotpots, the sizzle of which could almost be mistaken for phantom sword play amongs the rooftops of buildings.  After dinner we walked over to the science museum and watched and Imax film on the ocean narrated by Jim Carey.  Terrible narration but I think the footage was cool, and I have new respect for the evolutionary coolness of the cuttlefish.  The next day Becky came in and took me for real dim sum and then chauferred me to the airport.  She was an incredible host.

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