Thursday, October 14, 2010

Seoul: Funny people at the hostel too

I made some new friends at the hostel last night.  Andy, from Canada (but Korean born), Martina from Switzerland (also Korean born), and Rae from Taiwan.  Rae gave me some tips on Taiwaneese food.  In the morning I woke up to find an Australian guy that seemed to have been bitten by a sleep zombie.  Unfortunately he arrived at the hostel too early so he couldn't check in for a few hours.   He was just kinda walking around, half awake, a quarter drunk, and a quarter wierd.  Later that night while he was sitting on the couch he spasticly interrupted the conversation, said something non sensical, declared his need for recycling his beer, walked off, and never came back.  But it gets better.  The next day he managed to lose the key to his storage locker, which contained all his stuff.   It was just a bad few days in the Northern Hemisphere for this guy.
My cell phone was out of money, so I went with Andy, who speaks a fair bit of Korean, in hopes of purchasing another card.  This was not meant to be.  I swear, you would think that if you went into a store with the SAME name (and logo) that is on a product you need, you would be able to buy it, but all the guys at these SK telecom (the only cell phone company in South Korea mind you) just shrugged their shoulders as if they were two pistons on a robot made of soup cans.  A phone isn't that necessary, but it woudl be nice.  I'll just have to arrange visits with friends over email.
Hung out in the hostel again tonight. Really enjoy the company of the people there.  We watch Korean (or possibly Japanese) cartoons.  Martina was determined to not be jet lagged, so she was trying to keep her sleep schedule to Swiss time, which means staying up incredibly late.  I couldn't keep up, so I went to bed at around 2 AM, and found the 8 person dorm room to be booming with the most wonderful snoring.

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